Hello, my name is Brendan Musick, I am a recent graduate of the University of Manitoba with a Major in Computer Science. I am passionate about software/application development and web develpment, and I am currently interested in learning more about bioinformatics and machine learning.

I am a self taught web developer, accomplishing this feat through taking various certifications through freeCodeCamp curriculum. I have experience with multiple different languages and have become accustomed to having to quickly pick up a new language when required.

My hobbies include various leisurly activities such as golf, reading and playing guitar. I enjoy all aspects of nature, including going on hikes and collecting plants, using plant keys to ID any new plants I find.

University of Manitoba Computer Science Courses Taken
Course Name Course Description


C   |   C++  |  Java  |  Python  |  JS  |  CSS  |  HTML  |  SQL  |  Prolog


I have experience with the software development life cycle for an application using an Agile Architecture. Developing user stories, setting release dates, testing/debugging creating unit and intergration tests with JUnit, and acceptance tests with Espresso. Working with a group, I have gained experience using GitLab as version control for our application, creating merge requests and making sure no conflicts occur when merging to main.


I am comfortable using HTML5 and CSS3 and have dabbled in a few CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Semantic-UI, but for the most part I use vanilla CSS and HTML to style my projects. I am confident in my skills using Javascript, knowing many of the new features added between ES5 and ES6. I have used React to make multiple projects, as well I have used D3 for various data visualization projects.


The express framework is what I'm accustomed to for routing my apps, using passport for authentication. I emplore mongoose to model the objects to be stored in mongoDB databases, whether it be locally or to stored through the web based mongoDB Atlas. I have recently been delving into SQL and have started implementing it into some RESTful API apps.


Heroku is the main source I use to host the web apps I have made, and namecheap to purchase my domain names, I have gone through and know the process of associating the two. I use GitHub to save progress of my projects, and have learned the process of contributing to open source as well.

Having just graduated, I am going to spend more time pursuing personal projects and subjects I didnt have time to delve into. One such subject is Bioinformatics which I have started studying. I have started reading through the Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook, trying the example programs for myself.

This past year at University, two of the courses I took were graphics courses (COMP 3490/4490). We used OpenGL/C++ to develop multiple assignments. My goal this summer is to redo these assignments, importing them into WebGL using Mozilla MDN tutorials on it.

I am currently reading Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow to delve deeper into machine learning.